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Error making single sign-on to service

You can authenticated and are ready to be sent back to the service that requested authentication, but we could not find your cached authentication request. The request is only cached for a limited amount of time. If you leaved your browser open for hours before entering your username and password, this could be one possible explaination. If this could be the case in your situation, try to go back to the service you want to access, and start a new login process. If this issue continues, please report the problem.
If you report this error, please also report this tracking ID which makes it possible to locate your session in the logs which are available to the system administrator: a245f48668

Debug information

The debug information below may be interesting for the administrator / help desk:

Could not find cached version of authentication request with ID ID_c81a71d7-51d3-48d7-9fe5-3f85cc5faf2f (saml2)

#0 /home/spool/WWW/sir.rediris.es/simplesamlphp_1_0/www/saml2/idp/SSOService.php(107): SimpleSAML_Session->getAuthnRequest('saml2', 'ID_c81a71d7-51d...') #1 {main}

Report errors

Optionally enter your email address, for the administrators to be able contact you for further questions about your issue:

E-mail address:

How to get help

This error probably is due to some unexpected behaviour or to misconfiguration of simpleSAMLphp. Contact the administrator of this login service, and send them the error message above.

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